Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I have been busy!

I realize that it is no excuse but, I have been really busy. the porch is open, half the house has been stripped sanded and painted, I bought a new to me storm/screan door and stripped it, getting ready to paint it, etc. I have pics on my phone but no idea how to get them on here. I will ask the kids for help so the one person who follows will see the progress! It's late and I have to work in the morning. . .good night!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Stripping Paint . . . a better way!!

Have gotten alot of paint off the house in the past two days and am still feeling sain. How is that possible you say, I hired someone to do it. The up side to a down economy, realy great time to find handy guys that work for cash!!!

Friday, January 28, 2011

only 6 months to Graduation!!

Holy molly I have a lot to do. I would like to get the kitchen and down stairs bath done for sure, the crappy paneling the previous owners put up is opening up at the seams. I would really love to get it all re-wired, insulated and finished off before the graduation party.

Not really looking forward to the party. 1st off my daughter will be moving to the UK sometime after that and 2nd I have to have my ex-husband and his family over, not to mention his third wife. . .And if that isn't bad enough, I have to invite my family too;-(

The kitchen is small, 12' 6" by about 14'. it has a 4' x 8' pantry that I love but I am considering moving the stairs to the basement and opening up the pantry so I can gain roughly an additional 8'x8' of kitchen space. My sister is bummed because she loves the pantry. I could move the steps and re-orient the pantry and still gain 4' x 8'. . . . decisions decisions!!!!