I thought since I have shared very little since the loss of my job I would take some pictures of the house as it is so that the 10 people who have looked can get a better idea of what the place looks like. Clearly I got rid of the aged looking whitish filmy walls and wet for color. . . something so needed after decades of rental properties.
The walls in the living room (left side of photo) are two Behr's Provincial Blue, north and east, and the other two are

Behr's Cup of Cocoa, south and west.
The dining room is a lovely red that I think really makes the wood pop! I was worried that the tones would create a patriotic look, not what I was going for, but guests in my home swear it does not, no flags in the area. Although I am patriotic, I do not feel the need to decorate my domicile in it. I am however still searching for the perfect spot at which to hang the certificate that then president Bill Clinton signed :-) (mimeographed) when my father died in 2000 regarding his service during the Korean War.
I have to say that when the pictures are taken and you remove yourself from the room I am painfully aware for the need of some new furniture. Not that I will get it anytime soon. The hole I found on the arm of my chair cover is pretty glaring to me in the photo on the left. A chair by the way that as given to me when finance number three moved to New York to pursue a better job where, and I realize this going to to sound cooler or shadier than it was, he was supposed to be moving so that we could be together without all the political fall out it would cause here in River City, SheVegas, as the locals call it. Yes I have a fondness for jewelry and was after my first marriage a bit gun shy. I think however, 16 yrs to the day of my one and only nuptial event, I am no longer going to be a run away bride!!! ( A little personal affirmation for my friends and family who will eventually get around to finding me on the Internet

t.) Anyway, back to the chair, actually the man who gave it to me, he got married 9 months after we broke up. I should really have replaced the chair back then when I was replaced but, I figured like my only marriage I got the best part of him.
This picture is of the light fixture in the dining room, it is one of five or six originals in the house, two of which adorn each side of the arch between the living and dining and match this one, so I am very happy for the fact that in eighty years no one has removed them. The whole set has these cool paper candle spheres to the lights, which are miss matched because I keep leaving the store with joint compound and tape and paint and forget the dam lights, and really great green, yellow and gold paint. The other originals are not nearly so impressive the fixture in my daughters room is sort of neat in that it has some cool detailing but, bare bulbs hanging from an ornate gold base sort of lack the softness I would like to see in there.
I think I will have to go, need to look for a job for a while today and also have to get plaster and tape on some cracks I am trying to fix in my bedroom. I will post again today or tomorrow thought because I have a serious amount of work going on in my bedroom and I want to share a few items I have encountered in there.
P.S. Got the glass in the door fixed!! A friend of mine did it for 30 bucks and a couple of beers, I had to supply the glass, which if you don't have the glass company install you can get untempered, for a cost of 10.46 plus tax, not too bad!!! The kids paid for it!