I decided to begin blogging because I have lost steam for a lot of projects and think that I have ADD. Probably not but, hey it would explain my lack of completion!!! I read web blogs almost daily. I love the Enon Hall site, I discovered it about three weeks ago and read the whole thing in about three days, I was addicted.
The things I have done include, painting all three bedrooms, living room, dining room, and kitchen. I had a new roof put on a
couple of months ago. I also did a lot of cleaning and old gross carpet removal. The yard had no landscaping at all so, I dug all the sod from the side of the house to the concrete walkway and put in perennials, another perennial bed around a large pine tree in the back yard and yet another in front of the garage.

Here are pictures of what the house looked like when I bought it, they are the originals I saw on-line when I found the house. I will take pictures of room that are basically done for now and post them soon. I figure the sooner I show what has been done the sooner I will be forced to continue work on it.
Any Ideas for a kitchen that has 5 door two windows, a built in ironing board and a laundry shoot? Yeah that's a problem. . . especially since I think that ironing board is great and I am unwilling to close off any doors and really couldn't if I wanted to. I have made a temporary change in the kitchen but, still dream of more functionality. My family that reads this will find this next bit hard to believe, I like to cook. I just don't have time or space!!

Hi! I was just wondering if you had done anything to your kitchen yet...your home seems to be a similar layout to the one we want to buy...and I have NO idea what to do with that kitchen!
I have temporarily installed a six foot cabinet section with sink infront of the windows. I have no totally figure out what to do but, I am toying with moving out the refrigerator and buying a small period one to save room. 5 doors, a laundry shoot, a built in ironing board and two windows does not leave on with a ton of options. Sorry I got back to you so late, I hope your house is great and if you have kitchen solutions. . .please share!
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