So, it isn't that I didn't know it wasn't going to be long but yesterday I got laid-off from my job. I sell cars at a small, family run, dealership that is slow and they don't need me anymore. I was a bit freaked that I don't have to get up and go to work today or Monday or the day after that for many days to come. I have made a decision, I don't sell cars anymore. . . for good. I hate the hours that are involved in the car business. I want a life and weekends.
On top of the job thing though was an even greater tragedy. My lovely little children, teenage brats who fight constantly, broke one of the panes of glass from our entry door while fighting. . . I have no job and I am going to have to put ugly glass in my door.
I got one estimate for the repair it was from a national chain, a company completely out of there league when it comes to a 1926 door and it was $175. $175 sound like a lot for a piece of glass that I know that I will hate. I love the old wavy glass in the other two panes in the door.
Has anyone had any experience with this type of door? it looks Like the pane was set into the opening and then the door was continued to ge assembled. Am I going to have to take the door apart? that may not be so bad because apparently if anyone finds out that the new piece of glass is for a door they are going to force on me tempered glass which I think will look like crap in that old door.